EMDR Therapy
For those that are dealing with the stress from trauma, anxiety, and depression.
Constantly triggered & flooded with almost debilitating emotions. Maybe it comes up when you least expect and interferes with work and family.
Living with anxiety, depression, and the lasting effects of trauma can be incredibly difficult.
Almost every day is a battle against intrusive thoughts, overwhelming emotions, and memories that feel like they are never going to stop haunting you.
But there is hope.
What is EMDR?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is an evidence-based treatment that has been shown to help people overcome emotional distress caused by trauma, depression, and/or anxiety.
The therapy uses eye movements to retrain the brain’s memory system and can be helpful in reducing symptoms for those struggling with these issues. It has also been shown effective in treating other mental health issues.
EMDR Therapy has been shown to be an incredibly effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and trauma. It will help you to work through the memories and emotions that are causing you so much pain and suffering.
If you are ready to start living a life that is not controlled by your anxiety, depression, and trauma, then EMDR Therapy may be the right treatment for you.
EMDR therapy online
What can EMDR help with?
Some examples of topics include:
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Acute stress disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
EMDR therapy is typically conducted in 8-12 sessions. The number of sessions needed may vary depending on the individual’s needs.
Rebecca currently offers EMDR Intensives which are half and full days at a time on their own or over the course of a few days.
What makes EMDR therapy effective?
EMDR is a highly effective treatment that can help you rewire your brain so that negative memories no longer trigger strong emotions.
You do not have to talk in detail about the event(s) and usually, fewer sessions are needed than traditional talk therapy.
EMDR allows your brain and body to process or “digest” the overload, jumpstarting the natural process your brain uses for healing.
It can improve the way you feel about life and how you view yourself.
EMDR isn't just for people who have lived through big-T trauma. It’s important you know EMDR can be for almost anything that is disturbing or distressing, including a traumatic event or series of events.
“Attention [is] given to a negative image, belief, and body feeling related to this event [or events], and then to a positive belief that would indicate the issue was resolved.”
EMDR helps resolve the effects of trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more.
How does EMDR therapy work?
EMDR therapy was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1979 as an alternative treatment for people who had experienced severe trauma. It has since become one of the most widely used treatments for PTSD.
EMDR therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses bilateral stimulation, which can be in the form of eye movements, sounds, or tactile sensations, to help people process and heal from traumatic experiences. EMDR therapy is thought to work by helping to reduce the intensity of negative memories and emotions, and by increasing positive ones.
During EMDR therapy, you will work with your therapist to identify a negative memory or event that is causing you distress. Once this memory or event has been identified, you will begin the bilateral/dual attention stimulation or DAS for short using your choice of eye movements or buzzies (handheld).
Your Questions Answered
EMDR therapy was originally developed to treat trauma, but it has since been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, and more.
Therapists have also used EMDR therapy to improve performance.
During our initial meeting, we will review the documents you signed and answer any questions you have about therapy in general. We will then spend some time talking about your goals for therapy and what you hope to achieve.
If you decide to move forward with EMDR therapy, we will begin by exploring your early childhood experiences. We will see how they may have contributed to the formation of your belief system and how these messages may be affecting you currently.
As we work together, you will work to change those maladaptive beliefs to adaptive and functional beliefs that help you in your everyday life.
The cost depends on which provider you choose (see therapist rates).
Currently, Rebecca offers EMDR in her Custom Trauma Therapy Intensives and then weekly or bimonthly when a spot opens up.
We continue to pursue training to provide high value for your hard-earned money.
Canvas Counseling and Wellness PLLC is not in-network with insurance. At your request, we can provide a special receipt called a Superbill which includes important information about the service(s) provided that you can then submit to your insurance company. You will then submit to your insurance’s out-of-network department for possible reimbursement.
Prior to starting sessions, we recommend you talk with your insurance to find out if they reimburse/cover out-of-network services. For more information about fees and insurance, visit our FAQ page.
Getting started with EMDR is easy. Fill out the form to connect with us and let us know if you would like a consultation call.
We look forward to connecting!

Get Started Today
Simply fill out a short form so we can schedule a brief phone consultation and answer any questions you have to help you decide if EMDR is right for you.
About Rebecca
Rebecca is an EMDRIA approved Consultant, which is the premier trauma therapy accepted by the Veterans Administration, the Department of Defense, and the World Health Organization.
She also has advanced EMDR trainings in:
Flash Technique (process traumatic memories without feeling distress)
Removing Blocks and Raising the Bar for Athletes and Creatives (peak performer mindset)
EMDR-Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI)
EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol Adapted for Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS)
Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST-Individual & ASSYST-Group)