Trauma Therapy in Richardson, TX and Online


Serving clients in person in Dallas/Richardson, Texas and online in Texas, Florida, Arizona, New York, (pending) Oklahoma, & some International locations in Australia, Canada, Norway +


Some or all of this may feel true for you…

Life feels like a heavy cloud that never leaves.  The hurtful words and actions of others replay and echo in your mind.  You feel isolated like no one understands.  Interactions with others have become a potential source of anxiety, fearing more hurt may pile on top of what you are already struggling to handle. 

Parts or aspects of you feel stuck. You might know what you want to do or not do but it doesn't seem to go how you envision it. The more that happens the more you give up, give in, or a combination of those.  We say parts of you instead of all because you are more than what you sometimes do or don't do and say or don't say. We have a core personality made up of sub personalities that we commonly call parts. These parts are stuck where they learned things like I'm unlovable, unworthy, too much, not enough, broken, etc. 

We offer EMDR trauma therapy, somatic trauma therapy and more.

These parts got stuck due to an experience or experiences which research shows that talk therapy is often not enough so we offer one or more types of therapy experiences (modalities). These include but are not limited to EMDR, ART, SE, IFS, TF-CBT, and creative arts. Custom Trauma Therapy Intensives are available for people who have experienced severe trauma/distress or who have not responded well to traditional forms of therapy and need more than what weekly therapy can provide. We decide based on your needs & what works for you. Together we make sure you learn the helpful knowledge & skills to help unlearn the unhelpful things so you can be more of who you want to be. 

What does trauma therapy look like?

Did you know you don’t have to share many details of the past for you to get what you need from therapy? We help YOU heal from the trauma, distress, and/or betrayal that often accompanies life.  Many people have trauma experiences but often dismiss and minimize it for different reasons. We want therapy to be effective and productive for you.  We will look at where you’re at, where you are going, and prepare you for where you can and want to go. We work together on how you want your sessions to be and bring in various methods depending on what you need for healing.

How long can trauma therapy last?

Therapy length and success depends on where you are at currently. For example, if you have a goal of running a marathon, have you prepared for a 5K yet?  If not, let’s get you ready for the 5K, then10K, then a half marathon, then the marathon.  We do this by assessing foundational skills that are necessary and helpful not just for the past and the present but the future.  For example, learning to make a cake requires a lot of skills that translate to other cooking and baking activities (e.g. cracking an egg, whisking, etc). Whatever is missing will be worked on in and out of session.  For some people it can be a bit like learning a new language or sport so we chunk it at the pace you want/need.  We want you to feel you are able to track your progress in order to be ready to process what you need.  Curiosity will be your biggest ally.  


You May Still Have Questions About Trauma Therapy in Richardson, TX...

Trauma counseling steps:

Here are some steps we work on (may be concurrently and/or consecutively).

  • Noticing what is in your body, your emotions, thoughts/beliefs

  • Noticing where our minds goes (connections and associations)

  • Dual awareness (staying present in the room while going to the past)

  • Being able to report if things are happening or not happening in body, emotions, and mind (not a judgment but an assessment to work on)

Our trauma therapists in Dallas, Texas are here to help.

We practice so the skills get stronger and feel like second nature and are easier to access.  Your therapist is available for feedback and help so you are supported throughout your therapy experience.  Despite the struggle, you can learn to heal and re/discover who you are.

How much does Trauma Therapy Cost?

The cost of trauma therapy depends on the provider. For more information about fees and insurance, visit our FAQ page and our Custom Trauma Therapy Intensives page.

Is Trauma Therapy covered by my insurance?

There are no guarantees. Canvas Counseling and Wellness PLLC is not in-network with insurance, so you may choose to pay out-of-pocket and possibly be reimbursed for out-of-network benefits.

At your request, we can provide a special receipt called a Superbill which includes important information about the service provided that you can then submit to your insurance company.

Prior to starting sessions, I recommend you talk with your insurance to find out if they reimburse/cover out-of-network services. For more information about fees and insurance, visit our FAQ page.

If you are interested in scheduling trauma therapy, please contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!


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